The Bible
1 Peter 1:23 Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptable, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.

The Bible University
Welcome to The Bible University.global, Your Online University to Equip you to Serve the Lord where He Places You. We are a Bible Centered Institution that Reads, Studies, and Applies the Word of God.
2 Timothy 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
3 Degree Programs
The Associate's Degree in Biblical Studies
-> Your Requirements - High School Graduation or Equivalent
-> Your Curriculum - The Bible, Read 2 Chapters a Day Chronologically
-> Your Textbook - The Bible - Our App or Website - Free Download
-> Your Academic Paperwork - Daily Journal - What You Learn and Your Prayer Log
-> Your Academic Coursework - Faithful Attendance and Service to Your Church Appling Your Curriculum
-> Your Tuition: Biblical Giving - Tithe to Your/The Church - Seed Offering % of income
-> Your Diploma - Will Be Sent to You, Your File will be sealed as a Graduate of The Bible University.global
The Bachelor's Degree in Biblical Studies
-> Your Requirements - Associate's Degree in Biblical Studies
-> Your Curriculum - The Bible, Read 2 Chapters a Day Chronologically
-> Your Textbook - The Bible - Our App or Website - Free Download
-> Your Thesis Paperwork - Daily Journal - Teaching Lesson Plan Appling Your Curriculum of the Bible and Your Prayer Log
-> Your Thesis Coursework - Teach the Bible Curriculum in Your Church through Sunday School, Discipleship, or Ministry.
-> Your Tuition: Biblical Giving - Tithe to Your/The Church - Seed Offering % of income
-> Your Diploma - Sent to You, Your File will be sealed as a Graduate of The Bible University.global
The Doctorate Program in Biblical Studies.
-> Your Requirements - Bachelor's Degree in Biblical Studies
-> Your Curriculum - The Bible, Read 2 Chapters a Day Chronologically
-> Your Textbook - The Bible - Our App or Website - Free Download
-> Your Dissertation - Daily Journal - Writing Your Commentary of the Bible and Your Prayer Log
-> Your Dissertation Coursework - Teach Your Bible Curriculum Commentary in Your Church through any Ministry of the Church.
-> Your Tuition: Biblical Giving - Tithe to Your/The Church - Seed Offering % of income
-> Your Diploma - Sent to You, Your File will be sealed as a Graduate of The Bible University.global